Friday, April 13, 2007

Meet No Impact Man!

Here I've been feeling so smug about how we're driving a biodiesel car and have a tankless hot water tank... And then a friend told me to check out this blog: No Impact Man and I did and I love it.

Here's how he describes himself on the blog:
"No Impact Man: a guilty liberal finally snaps, swears off plastic, goes organic, becomes a bicycle nut, turns off his power, composts his poop, and while living in NYC, generally turns into a tree-hugging lunatic who tires to save the polar bears and the rest of the planet from environmental catastrophe while dragging his baby daughter and Prada-wearing, Four Seasons-loving wife along for the ride."

I'm not sure about composting your own poop... but today I read a post from a few days back about how he and his family carry cloth napkins with them everywhere - so they don't use paper towels in restrooms, and they don't use paper napkins in restaurants. I'm still trying to get my family to use cloth napkins and swear off paper towels in the kitchen! (I've been trying to figure out why, in a city that frenetically recycles practically everything, and even provides a yard waste/food scraps container, our household is still making so much garbage... and a lot of what I see is crumpled paper towels... hmmm....)

Go visit No Impact Man. You may just find one more small thing you can do to become GREENER.

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