Yesterday, I did two things about the war, my two small drops in the bucket. I'm aware that there are several bills (some binding, some nonbinding, some even bipartisan) working their way through the Senate and the House.
This statement from Sen. Ted Kennedy is a start: "Our bill will say that no additional troops can be sent and no additional dollars can be spent on such an escalation, unless and until Congress approves the President’s plan." Read more about Kennedy's bill here.
Read about several other bills and resolutions about the war here.
So here's what I did:
First, I called Senator Patty Murray's office in Washington, D.C. My previous conversations have been very quick. I say: "I'd like to register my support for SB Number -- whatever --" They say: "Thank you." and that's it. I always have the sense that the aides who answer the phone are sitting there with some sort of tally sheet. (I'm old enough to visualize a handwritten tally on a legal pad, but it's probably electronic, now that I think of it).
Yesterday, I wanted more details. I asked what Senator Murray was going to do regarding Senator Kennedy's bill, among others. The aide said that Senator Murray was not going to issue any statements until the language of those bills (and others) was finalized. I suppose that's wise, politically. I guess I'll have to watch the news, and call back as things progress.
Next, I took my own picture with a clear message to Congressman Jim McDermott. On the day before the "war" began, my family met Congressman McDermott following a giant protest at Green Lake. We walked together and told him we opposed any military action in Iraq. It's time to send him a message again. is collecting photos like this for a photo petition they'll be delivering soon. (You might want to check that out, too, and participate!)
Gratitude today? I suppose I'm grateful for our political process. But I really, really want it to work. "Checks and balances" will be my mantra as I walk the Very Large Dog.